On the fourth of July, 2007 Caleb Potter was involved in a skateboarding accident.
He suffered serious injuries and continues to need all of our positive thoughts and prayers.
This blog is to serve as a space for updates on Caleb's journey of recovery.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tell everyone!

Caleb will be having another surgery on Wednesday. This time the wires in his jaw will be coming out and the doctors will be working to repair his left eye.
PLEASE join us on the Wellfleet Town Hall Lawn for the prayer circle on TUESDAY NIGHT. We want this to be a big one. Together we can help save Caleb's eye. As we all know the power of prayer and positive thought is what has gotten Caleb this far, let's give another big push together! See you at 9pm (Tuesday).


Anonymous said...

before all this happened i was skeptical at best about the power of prayer.
in the last few weeks we have all witnessed the miracles that have taken place.
i don't know if it has been Caleb's amazing strength, or the amazing energy and love sent forth from this community.
maybe both.
though I'm sure that Caleb does, in fact have the strength to pull this major step on Wednesday on his own. let us all make sure he is not alone.
PLEASE come and join us on Tuesday night.
lets make sure our boy continues amaze us all.
see you there!
much love

mare said...

I am sending my deepest prayers of love for you and your family and friends. In 1986 I had a very bad car accident in Truro on North Pamet Road. I almost lost my life but thanks to the community's support and my friends I survived.( Wentzle...you are one of them!I love you!) My injuries were severe on the left side of my face and I broke my neck. My left eye was damaged and my eye lid was permanently shut but I have since had surgery to fix it. From the photos I am wondering if Caleb has ptosis as well. The doctors helped me and I am able to see. I can help you discuss my experience if it can help you in terms of doctors, procedures etc. Sometimes it is helpful to speak with someone who has been in a similar place. I am always here. My parent's number in Truro is 349-6483. My cell is 617-640-9696 anytime you need anything. Much love, maryann morley

Anonymous said...

Although God doesn't owe me any favours, I have some friends here in Canada who are in better standing with Her and they have taken prayer requests to their prayer circles at their churches.

I will be thinking of him.

S said...

I was just one of those pesky tourists visiting your beautiful town on 7/21 and saw all the "Pray for Caleb" signs. I came home tonight and wanted to find out what kind of person could be so loved that an entire town held prayer circles and benefits. Caleb is a handsome young man and I will also pray for his full recovery.

I have something I'd like to say to you. There is no situation or disease that someone, somewhere hasn't survived and even thrived after. Pray for Caleb. Continue to push hard for his complete recovery. It can happen!

Many bleesings your way~

Cathie said...

I will be out on my deck in Harwich at exactly 9:00 p.m. with my candle-in-a-coffee tin, sending my love and positive thoughts towards the circle!!!!