On the fourth of July, 2007 Caleb Potter was involved in a skateboarding accident.
He suffered serious injuries and continues to need all of our positive thoughts and prayers.
This blog is to serve as a space for updates on Caleb's journey of recovery.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

mumsie from Spalding re-hab

Caleb has settled in to his new home - in spite of the fear that the nursing staff would not be as competant as those at Mass General - once again - I am convinced that all of you out there drew in just what we needed the most - the best nurses one could possibly have and we scored the very best Doctor according to the head nurse. We will be happy here and in good hands. Caleb's day nurse is a hot ticket - a 45 or so yr. old woman from Ethiopia - I had barely been in the room - always a bit shaken when we have to change environments yet again- when she popped in took a look at Caleb, came within centimeters of my face and wagged her finger at me saying - "You be strong - I see allot a boys and dees boy - he gonna make it . I can always tell which boys are fighters- dees boy gonna make it" I could have cried but I didn't dare with Aster looking at me! I just love her and will work on getting her to wear my favorite shade of red lipstick -the only thing I can see that she is lacking! Another middle school story .. when Jan and I first separated and were just starting to do the trade off from house to house -Jan had weekends at that time. The boys would get back to me on Sunday eve just in time for baths and then off to bed. Caleb went off to school that Monday morning with a heavy heart and proceeded to once again get off the bus, ditch into the shrubs and began a long journey back home - only the temps were below feezing and he never let me send him with mittens or a hat. He told me later that he would see a police cruser and would hide where he could - he managed to get as far as the Eastham Sheraton when an unmarked car pulled over and took my nearly freezing child to the police station. By the time I walked through the doors he had charmed all of the police - they had all of their guns laid out on the table for him to examine, donuts and juice, and when they saw me they all stood up and insisted that I could not reprimand him - not one little bit- because when they asked him what he was doing walking in a blizzard he said " I just wanted to see my mom!" So now he gets to spend a lot of time with me finallyand he is already charming eveyone here. ! This place is really interesting to say the least-- we have Buddie, a vietnam vet who flies around in his wheelchair wearing a bike helmet , flirts with me and keeps trying to pull me into a late night poker game in his room. The guy across the hall who keeps yelling for his 6 pack and another who gets frustrated and makes cow noises - for those of you who thought I was a bit tweeked before - well just you wait--but this is truely Caleb's kind of place - when he improves he is just going to thrive in this atmosphere. More tubes are out - the IV , the catheter, the stiches he is looking morelike Caleb every day. He starts phisical therapy already and occupational as well - speech will begin next week - even tho his jaw is wired they will help him to strengthen that area with exercises. We are doing fine - love to all of you who are out there thinking of us - I saw the fence at the dump - Kai is here with my digital - Thank you - all of you. Love mumsie


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for your posting today Sharyn! It is so beautiful and makes me so happy. I can see that nurse looking you in the eye and saying that and it makes me feel so good. I reckon even she has never seen a fighter like Caleb.Goddess Bless, Katie
p.s. totally go play poker with the tweekers

Anonymous said...

i made it my mission this morning (while my boy slept) to go out & photograph every poster, skull & sign about caleb around town that i could find. there are so many i'm sure i didn't get them all.
enroute i ran into cedar dropping ennie off @ the flex...she had on her "positive thoughts for caleb potter" T shirt, flag in her dreads, skull & crossbone drawn on her hand & i had a little decoration (skull & X) for her crock that i found @ a store the other day....plus the signs on her car & the skull & crossbone on the window.
ennie, WE LOVE you as much as you love caleb!
sounds like your captain will return before you know it.
onward & upward caleb...xoxoxo deirdre

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the daily updates. We were visiting on the Cape a few weeks ago and were so touched by Caleb's story and the community support for Caleb (how could one not be) that I looked for this blog and have been following the progress.

Our family sends Caleb and you all good thoughts and healing prayers many times a day.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for the updates, especially today's update. I am happy to hear that Caleb is in such good care. My thoughts and prayers are still with you, your family, and especially with Caleb. May he have a speedy recovery and God Bless.

Much love,

squirrely said...

Sharyn, I'm working on the boingy doll! Miss you and you're always in my thoughts! Thanks for the updates! Trying to meditate for Caleb too...


Anonymous said...

How wonderful

Anonymous said...

Mumsie :)

I love hearing your cheerful stories everyday, they help me know that Caleb is doing fine and that you are holding up OK. I have a picture of Caleb up in office where i can see him all day while i work, it helps remind me through out the day to send him good thoughts. Much love to you and Caleb, Arozana

Anonymous said...

ya old lady it sounds more like a spa than a hospital. let me know when caleb racing the guy down the hall in his wheelchair. so happy to hear he is doing awesome. keep up the good work and get that lad back here.
Uncle judith

p.s. is it strip poker?

Anonymous said...

My heart leaps for joy each day as I read of Caleb's progress.
You're all in my thoughts & prayers.
Carol O

Jen W said...

Mumsie (as you say),
You don't know me but, I went to school with Caleb for a few years in Wellfleet. I heard about what happened to him on Myspace and I am so glad that he is doing well! What an incredible mother and family he has. I haven't seen Caleb in about ten years now and if he is any way that I remember him he will definitely be out in no time! My prayers are with you and your family! Congrats on him going into the rehab center!

Unknown said...

Potter Family and friends -

I just now heard/read all about the tragic event. I apologize that I can't be on Cape to support Caleb and the family at fund raisers and prayer circles, but I will pray for him from here, and keep you in my thoughts. I will continue to read updates to hear about his speedy recovery. All the best to Caleb, Family and friends.
"El na refa na lah. "


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the GREAT news Sharyn!!! I hope some of Deirdre's photos make it to the blog, or to his benefit on Thursday.

I'm smiling thinking of Caleb in speech therapy. I'll bet he'll find a way to talk even with that beautiful mouth of his wired shut!

Love and Prayers,

Clance said...

Your posts are the best. Of course you are surrounded by tweekies..Caleb would just struggle if he is around serious people all the time!
It makes total sense that he is getting the best treatment, because that is just what we all get from him when he makes us laugh, and keeps us remembering we ARE special! Any new phlegm morning greetings??
Keep the stories comin!

Unknown said...

Aunt Sharyn,
I'm glad to hear Caleb is doing tremendously well. You and the boys are so strong. Tell Caleb hello. And that Mexican oysters don't have anything over the Cape's!

Love to you all,
Betsy (Bilanow now)

Kristin said...

I've never met Caleb before. I heard his name a few times in passing when I worked in Orleans. But I was told about what happened and came to look at the site. I have never witnessed so many amazing people in my life. I can tell Caleb is an extremely loved person and that so many prayers are going out him. I feel as if I've never prayed so much for a person I've never met. But from the stories, prayers, and inspirations I've read on here, i know he'll be feeling like himself and healthy in no time.
My prayers and thoughts,
Kristin from Chatham

Anonymous said...

Spauling Rehab is the best - he is going to do great there. I really appreciate your updates b/c it helps remind me to keep thinking of Caleb and praying for him each day. You are a great mother to be there with him and to be sharing his on-going story with family and friends.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hey mama,
try not to corrupt the nurses too much! i am sure by the time you are done with her she will be wearing your snakeskin boots and zebra panties! Sounds like each day brings more and more progress... sending every ounce of patients and tranquility that i have to caleb. we are all still standing strong hear in wellfleet. pumping our love to spalding!! we love you mumsie you are an inspiration to all!
luv weeks

Anonymous said...

Caleb, Sharyn, Jan, Kai & Max I am thinking of you guys mucho and send you big love through the miles from South America. You are very much in my thoughts each day. Sharyn you are an amazing wave of bright light, shine strong and take good care of yourself amiga. Caleb's got your spark and your spunk (not to mention the blond hair he stole from you at birth :) Your network of support is beautiful. Tons of love funneling your way from so many incredible people...Peace be with you. Love Jen

Anonymous said...


Tell the nurse from Ethiopia she has met her match! Great place for Caleb to be! Give the guy across the hall who wants the six pack my contact information.

Kevin Scalley

Anonymous said...

Dear Sharyn -
Thank you for showing us all the wonders of positive energy. I am proud to live in the same community with someone who so capably deals with what life gives you and makes others feel strong and able to also. Wellfleet's aura is glowing because of you - You have helped create the biggest "group hug" imaginable!
Love and continued strength to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sharyn,
Each morning upon waking, in my groggy morning dreamy state, I make myself a cup of tea, turn on my computer, pull up Caleb's blog, light a candle and wish him a good morning, then I begin to read your wonderful and inspiring vinettes. This has become ritual for me over the past couple of weeks, and I must tell you, that your courage, strenth and pure GRACE fills me completely with HOPE and LOVE for your beautiful boy and for you and your family; there is no doubt in my mind that Caleb will recover fully, with a mom like you at his side, there is no other choice. You are a beautiful lioness protecting her cub, giving him everything he truly needs to heal. Do you remember the very first Clothes Line Project benefit concert? At the end of the show when all of the kids were on stage with all of the pros, Caleb did this really great hand clapping dance, (which his friends told me is his jiggy). It was amazing, the entire auditorium full of people were up on their feet clapping and dancing along with him. It was such a magical moment...every year Greg says-
"Remember the first year, when that kid did that really cool dance to end the show? That's the feeling I want to achieve again." It's never quite happened, because as we all now know, Caleb is a one of a kind and his joy and magic are unique to him only. When I pray for him each day, it is Caleb doing the jiggy that I envision. I can't wait to see Caleb doing the jiggy once again, on the lawn of the town hall.
Much love to you and Caleb,
Audrey Greenway

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to read what you post next sharyn. your hilarious spin is such great inspiration.
we had wonderful news last night from shaye & kai. kai gave shaye all the space to share with us at the circle, he was so excited. it was a beautiful thing to witness some weight lifted off of shaye. he was smiling & so hopeful. as he said, he is still every bit as concerned for caleb but now after seeing him he KNOWS he will be fine.
i really felt his heavy burden after the article in the boston globe came out a couple of days ago. it gave me more resolve to hold him in the center of the circle too.
for all those unable to make the healing circle @ night let me report the level of dedication...
rain or wind cannot keep us from doing our best to see that every candle is lit and there are MANY! (thanks to whoever brought by all the new votive candles)
there is no doubt that caleb has lit a flame in people's hearts from so many different places. i see numerous tourists stopping by the altar every day & reading what it's all about. this blog is a testimony to how caleb continues to impact people who he doesn't know & don't know him. i hope he really understand how powerful he is once he has healed some more.
tonight, july 20 and august 11 the PARKINGTON sisters will be at the wellfleet library performing their wonderful music for $10 @ 8p.m w/ partial proceeds going to the caleb potter fund. THEY'RE awesome, get down there!
sharyn, any ideas for a halloween costume this year? xoxoxo d