On the fourth of July, 2007 Caleb Potter was involved in a skateboarding accident.
He suffered serious injuries and continues to need all of our positive thoughts and prayers.
This blog is to serve as a space for updates on Caleb's journey of recovery.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Letters//Emails of Support

Many of you have been asking where you can send letters in support of Shaye's legal situation. Shaye has spoken with his lawyer and was told that letters could be submitted to the judge before the court appearance date. This may be very helpful!

If you wish to send an email or letter it would be helpful to include the following information:

To whom it may concern
Position in the community
How you know both parties involved
Your thoughts on the entire situation and
A hand written signature

Letters can be sent to Shaye via post. But also just a REGULAR EMAIL to Shaye with the greeting to the District Attorney//Judge would be just fine! Shaye will print//collect them and hand them over to his lawyer.


Shaye Cavanaugh
80 Peace Valley Rd.
Wellfleet MA.


Sharyn said...

Thanks Sky - I will be writing a letter tonight...Thanks, mumsie

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sky, Letters are Sooo important right now..
The laws are the laws of course but If the Judge can get an idea , a variety of ideas from our community it can really give him a picture of the bigger picture since the 4th of July accident.. Must feel great to be back by Calebs side Sharyn. I suggest you eat lots of root vegetables and good protein to help with your future work out. and remember that others will love to help as well.... we all want to help out.. Just let us know...

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Whom should the letters be made out to, Shaye, the D.A. or the Judge? Is there a lawyer in the house?
I can tell Shaye is very upset. He is deeply troubled by the accident and probably getting rid of this aspect of the whole awful event would help him heal as well. I would imagine that this aspect makes him feel more like he is totally responsible. Before the court room result and the idea of rehab with Caleb, I know Shaye had already envisioned himself participating as much as possible in that stage with Caleb.
He carries a heavy burden that seems to be really not his direct doing. Because he is who he is he will carry the burden forever. My heart goes out to him. Let’s help him heal, too.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the above blog!

Anonymous said...

Dear Judge,

Shaye loves Caleb, and would never try to hurt him. Indeed, Shaye would change places with Caleb if he could. He feels terrible about the accident and wishes he could get the day back to start it over.

Shaye is clearly at fault, and should certainly be convicted of driving to endanger. But his punishment should be light. Perhaps probation and community service, assuming this is not a repeated offense.


Everyone who drives in Wellfleet.