On the fourth of July, 2007 Caleb Potter was involved in a skateboarding accident.
He suffered serious injuries and continues to need all of our positive thoughts and prayers.
This blog is to serve as a space for updates on Caleb's journey of recovery.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I can tell you that when I want to, I can conjure up Caleb's voice. It comes to me at night when I think he is calling to me, but when I wake the voice turns pale-- the color of a person who has just died or that of one who has not yet been born.
I am trying to turn the corner.
I arrived on the shores of Cape Cod when I was 21. But mostly it is my 22 birthday that I remember because my mother made such a fuss, for some unknown reason, over the day of birthdays which coincided with the day of birth .. so I turned 22 on the 22nd of June - my birth- date. and I was celebrating alone without family - exhilerated to be as far East as one could possibly go..young and feeling free... a bit frightened..but did I mention free? - oh yes so free!
I did not intend to stay here. I was destined to go to Wyoming, or Utah to become a cow girl.. that was my calling. Instead, after staying here a few years, working to make enough money to move, I met a handsome young man -and simply after one day after our chance meeting.. I found myself exclaiming to my girlfriend
" I have just met the man I am going to marry" then just as quickly I found that I sucked in those words because I could not believe that I had uttered them. I was not the marrying type...and even the girls in high school voted me the most likely to travel and never settle down.
So... My first major mistake - getting married because I thought it was what my mother wanted of me - it would bridge the gap, make her happy..make us closer --- so I did what I thought was right instead of what I thought was me -- -----Life became a a blur of babies, bedlam, bottles and barters for sleep ...and soon my handsome young man was no longer as interested in me.
I remember the look that passed between them on the forth of July. ( The universe loves to choose the same dates in order to to drive things home.) The graze of eyes was electric and was seared into my brain. It does not matter what her name is - or even the face...because, as I have painfully learned, someone else would have filled the shoes if not her.. what matters is what I have now long after discoverd... I had been vying for my mother's attentions , have not learned to love myself enough, did not choose myself over her, and therefore gave my power over to someone else. I invited her in!
We have been locked in battle ever since... till now. I had a chance encounter with her today...no different than before - we ignore eachother and slide by like slimy snails ...but this time I stopped to remember who I am and and I knew that if she knew all the horrific thoughts I have had of her over the years.. she would laugh out loud as I am doing now...and I realized that above all.. as it was when I turned 22 ..all I want is freedom. I will be choosing myself this time around - thank you very much!

So tonight's voice, along with Caleb's stengthening voice will be mine - strong and clear -- I will perservere, I will choose for myself, I will pay attention to myself above all, I will choose differently -- Thank you my beloved Caleb for showing me the way! Thank you for helping me to turn the corner.


Claus said...

It has been a few days since I have checked the blog (took the family camping in VT.)... you have gone deep in many ways; you have hit some lows, but have also examined the deeper meanings of the path life has taken you on. And while you are low, it is challenging to remember the ups...but as many have said over the last few days in the various entries, you are not alone. Know that you are loved. Keep doing exactly what you are doing. Nobody could do a better job. Your family and friends are truly blessed to have someone like you in their lives. You have a wonderful ability to reflect and almost instantly recognize the lessons and learnings in the events that shape your life; such interspection is quite a gift. And, thanks for sharing. Keep writing, keep sharing, and write whatever you want. We all have choices; if someone finds it too personal - don't read it. Switch it off!

Sending you a big long hug from Hudson, wishing I waqs there to deliver in person.

Anonymous said...

Life is a mystery....chance encounters, choices made ,time misspent, decisions regretted,unexpected outcomes, curve balls thrown, sometimes caught, others not...... and then there are the lessons learned....some elementary and some so complicated it takes years to work them out....but it is all life, being lived day to day with no textbook.......all of us have choices to make and roads to travel
....yours has been a bit twisty-er and turny-er than one would ever want, but it is now your turn to choose....Take care of your choice!
Peace and love to you this night, dear Sharyn, and to those you love.
As always, with hope,
peg from PA

Anonymous said...

I slid by my evil snail today too. As I always have to. I have decided to get rid of all the negative in my life once and for all on my terms and for me the snail is now DEAD to me. I will no longer raise my head and pretend everything is alright. If someone has wronged you 100 times maybe it is best to push away and get on with one's life. FREE like you say. I feel FREE now. Good to see you today beauty. Always good to see you.

amy in ct said...

your words are so strong and deep... i am so glad that you share your thoughts and words with us... with me...
keep your head up to the sun
peace and prayers to you
amy in ct

nancyk4444 said...

Share on Sharyn...getting the hurts and painful memories out can really help you (as it does all of us) turn the corner and move BEYOND it all FINALLY.
I too, need to work on thinking of and caring for MYSELF for once.
For some of us - especially for mothers (no male slighting intended), that can be an almost impossible goal to attain.
PLEASE, take the time to treat yourself as you SHOULD and DESERVE to be treated - not only will it feel GREAT - but it really is true:
Treat yourself as you expect (and hope) others to...and they will.
I am learning at far too old an age that that is as simple as it is true!
Do things that make you smile.
Think things that bring you peace.
Be with people who make you feel loved and worthy - if they don't, look away.....they are not worthy of YOU -

Nancy from NY! (coming Wellfleet's way SOON - FINALLY!)

Roberta said...

I did not know Jan. When I attended the services at the beach it was obvious that he was popular and loved by many. Yet, I knew you were divorced and since I had been reading your blog all year and found you to be an intelligent woman, there must have been a good reason for it.

I want to say, although this may sound raw to the bone, when my husband read me the news from the paper my first reaction was to gasp
and say, "That poor family...how could he not see what effect this will have on them?" I relented though because I did not know his reasons, circumstances.

I have to confess that I really do still feel the same way...how could he do this to you and his mother and sister? I will never "get" it, although you do indeed need to pardon and forgive.

You might get pretty angry on the way there but pardon and forgive (Thanks Jeff) is the way to go.

Roberta in Wellfleet