On the fourth of July, 2007 Caleb Potter was involved in a skateboarding accident.
He suffered serious injuries and continues to need all of our positive thoughts and prayers.
This blog is to serve as a space for updates on Caleb's journey of recovery.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Sky said...

with thanks to nate for the photos of duck harbor and jan

Anonymous said...

As I just said in my last post-"A picture is worth a thousand words"

Thank you Sky,

Anonymous said...

WOW- How precious our life is.... Springtime, a time to emerge once again. sprout, grow, struggle to grow in a strong way after dormancy. We struggle with every season. We struggle to be alive, to live sometimes. I pray Jan is free of his pain... May we all find refuge at a time of disspare... life feels more precious at a time like this strangely. The sadness has taken along time to sink in to settle into a new day. a new way, a new life with Jan as spirit...now.. Sooo Sorry and Sad..We hold you in a place of peace after the shock turns to spirit ...A New World Today.. You live on in our words and tears and hearts...

Anonymous said...

Cody just called & told me -
I'm in complete shock and disbelief!
I'm so so so sorry!!! This hurts bad.
How much pain can the heart bear?
I love all you guys and Jan too...
Maryann Stow

Anonymous said...

Thank you Skye. These pictures are beautiful and speak to us all.

Anonymous said...

This is too much to bear

Anonymous said...

Chris and I will always remember our dear friend and neighbor Jan for all he has given others throughout his life. He is one of the reasons we love it here in Wellfleet so much. The love expressed in these tributes is unpresidented in my life's experience..I will deeply miss many things but........especially driving by his driveway and seeing some saying he has placed on the back of his truck or the funny masks on his seat backs.He and I would love to share stories about who got what at the Swap Shop. The new teak table in his kitchen may be the best find yet. He was one of a kind. Always a wave or shout whether on his roof or when coming and going. We are grieving this loss deeply. He will always be with me surfing and I plan on visiting Mal Pais in the future to share in that special place. It was a real pleasure my friend. Jan and his boys planted a beautiful tree in honor of his Dad's life last year on his yard. It looks like it is nearly ready to begin year two. The neigborhood will be happy to add another.
With Love and Sorrow,

Anonymous said...

i was getting dinner at town pizza yesterday when a friend of the family walked in, pleasantly surprised to see us, and sat down. she chattered for about 30 seconds before she was unable to hold it in much longer- 'did you hear?'
we all sat, shocked and unable to speak. of course the immediate thought was 'why?', but it is not our place to try to understand these things.
i personally dont know your family, but my aunt does and the thought that in passing i may have met this man and cant remember him really hit me somewhere.
today in school there was a small discussion on the subject and a very wonderful woman articulated what i had been thinking for a while- how remarkable and inspiring it is that we all are so connected through this entire thing. i feel so blessed to know that i live in a place with such loving and giving people. i once lived in a big suburb; busy cars, crowded streets and often lonely people. there is sadly a huge lack of unity in the world and all of these things that have happened have been, in my opinion, blessings in disguise not only for those of us watching this happen but- as hard as it is to understand and as trying as it is to believe- for you all as well.
i dont think the question to think on is why this has happened but where we all will be when this is over. we will be in a beautiful place, surrounded by beautiful people who will both challenge and nurture us, but in the end help us be stronger and more appreciative of the world around us. just know that those of us who are familiar with you and those of us who arent will together be here praying, loving, and supporting you all through this. if the greater lesson be nothing more, know that through your losses our eyes as a community have been opened, and hopefully yours have as well. everyone we know is precious regardless of how intimately we know them. we all love you and are here for you.

lisa whelan said...

dearest sharyn, caleb, kai and max. words cannot express my sadness for your loss and the utmost inability to help over the pas t year.
sharyn, your strength is a beacon in the abyss.
caleb, kai and max....all i can say is that i love you all...individually and collectivly.
my prayers and thoughts are and have been with you. you kids are all a product of your mom and dad...fierce, self managed, kind, protective, warm and incredibly generous. i am very privileged to know you all and count you as friends. much love. lisa whelan

hannah said...

beautiful, beautiful. i can only imagine that jan's grey whiskered seal will be waiting for him with open arms and tears.

Anonymous said...

I ache for you. I am deeply sorry. I would like very much to have the means to protect you from anguish. I haven't that to give. I do trust that your feeling and expression of all your pain and love will carry you home. Please know that I am here for you. Please too receive just below a poem written by Ram Dass for a family before who knew the profound loss that is your own. Sarah Anthony

Dear Sarah, Caleb, Kai, Max, Sharyn, and all:

Jan finished his work on earth, and left the stage in a manner that leaves those of us left behind with a cry of agony in our hearts, as the fragile thread of our faith is dealt with so violently.

Is anyone strong enough to stay conscious through such teaching as you are receiving? Probably very few.

And even they would only have a whisper of equanimity and peace amidst the screaming trumpets of their rage, grief, horror and

I can't assuage your pain with any words, nor should I. For your pain is Jan's legacy to you.

Not that he or I would inflict such pain by choice, but there it is. And it must burn its purifying way to completion. For something in you dies when you bear the unbearable, and it is only in that dark night of the soul that you are prepared to see as God sees, and to love as God loves.

Now is the time to let your grief find expression. No false strength.

Now is the time to sit quietly and speak to Jan, and thank him for being with you these few years, and encourage him to go on with whatever his work is, knowing that you will grow in compassion and wisdom from this experience.

In my heart, I know that you and he will meet again and again, and recognize the many ways in which you have known each other.

And when you meet you will know, in a flash, what now it is not given to you to know: Why this had to be the way it was.

Our rational minds can never understand what has happened, but our hearts – if we can keep them open to God – will find their own intuitive way.

Jan came through you to do his work on earth, which includes his manner of death. Now his soul is free, and the love that you can share with him is invulnerable to the winds of changing time and space. In that deep love, include me.

So much love,

Ram Dass

Jennie said...

these pics are amazing. jan will be missed greatly and there are not enough tears to describe the saddness that is being felt right now. the tears flow like a river and the ache in our hearts is like the bottom of a never ending pit. give everyone u know a huge hug and kiss....i love u all

Anonymous said...

In taking his life and freeing his spirit Jan made a decision that we have no choice but to live with. Let us help each other accept our sorrow, let us help Jan's dearly loved ones, and let us always remember our friend who was truly a prince among men.

Anonymous said...


When I was young, I remember sitting at the pond with S and the boys and in a very dreamy, little girl way, wishing for a house built by Jan (with a pottery studio in it), a dog like Bear(??) a garden by S, a big truck, and incredible children like you boys running around me, gulping me up with your smiles. I also wished for blonde hair and other important things like red cowboy boots (lipstick to match). It amazes me how much I have been touched by the potter family and these are only a few early childhood memories of the admiration I have for all of you. Your journey, a rough and ragged one, has and will open my eyes to so many treasures of life. I thank you for sharing because it helps me feel closer to you, aching here in Illinois. I am SO sorry that one has slipped away for all of you. I am at a loss for words and can only wish you solace,strength, and peace.I love you all so much as diaperless children to whatever you may feel like at this point. S, you are an incredible mother and woman. I am so blessed to know you. So many people love you . Ask for anything you need, there are people ready to help all around you.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord hold you all in the hollow of His hands and keep you all safe. We feel so sad and pray for all the family and extended family. God Bless. Natale & Peter

Gail said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Once again, my heart goes out to you . This news has stunned and shaken me. I knew Jan for a brief moment, but he touched my life. That will stay with me always.
Your pain is inconceivable and I weep for you all.

Anonymous said...

I continue to struggle with my own words, but it is so moving to read the words of ch/Dad and so many others touched by Jan's life and his gifts. The pictures say so much too. You honor him and yourselves so thoroughly. I honor your feelings: the anger, the love, the questions, the prayers for peace. Where my words trail off, my own prayers move in, and I offer them for all of us. Lisa K.

blackbird said...


Anonymous said...

Thank-you Sky,
I'm listening to your Dad's beautiful show on WOMR this morning, a loving tribute to his friend and gift of love to those who are hurting so badly.
Peace to all of you,

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a wonderful thing to have a prayer circle of some sort.
Some people may need to grieve alone, some with their families, but some feel the need to connect within the community; to remind ourselves we are here together loving each other in a big way--big picture. I would be so surprised if anyone could be offended at a circle and if for some reason it doesn't resonate for you then feel it another way. Please allow us to process this in all ways possible...with love in our hearts regardless of how it is expressed.
I would very much welcome a gathering.

Anonymous said...

I cannot comprehend this and my heart bleeds for you all.

You do not deserve this pain and suffering. I hope in time you can heal from this double blow. Ali Manchester UK

Anonymous said...

If there are any services planned please let us know.
You are all in our hearts and mind at this time.

Gail said...

Gail said...
Jennie, Thank you for your post. I am sure that I speak for many when I say that I wish that I could absorb some of the pain. Everywhere I went today in Wellfleet there was a solemness...as people nodded to one another, wordlessly confirming that they, too, had been crushed by the news of Jan's death.

Sharyn, Sarah, Caleb, Kai, Max, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Gail

April 2, 2008 10:53 PM

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures, beautiful words, i can only feel sadness for all of fleet. jan seemed to be another one of those people that i wished i had actually met in my life. thru all of you, i feel as i have.
know that you are ALL in my prayers.
peace to you all
amy in ct

Anonymous said...

Sarah, we are so sorry to hear of your loss. Im' sure you, Kai and Max will spend much time together to find a way through this, and to help Caleb with his confusion and need to understand. Please know you are in our hearts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

were gonna miss you Jan... Why!!!! ;(

Anonymous said...

from Vermont.
from the winds of this world
my love travels to you on wings of a dove
reassuring us all there will be peace in this world.
Jan is at peace.
may we surrender to our pain and suffering
and trust in Jan's final choice.
our rational minds' may never understand
but that is not most important.
the power of our love together as one
no matter where we are in this world
may our hearts reach out and beat
the sound of undying love and compassion.

i love you all so SO SO much!!!
from Vermont.
from the winds of this world
i travel to you and send my love.

please keep me updated with any service events,
i will do my best to get to the fleet in a flash...
supporting a family i hold so dear to my heart,
in a community that has helped me bloom, inspiring me to spread my wings to fly...
unconditionally loving...

keri johnson (vt/nj/fleet)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful smile. Just close your eyes when ever you need to see him, he will be there with that smile.
May God bless you with comfort & peace.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

To the Potter/Lindsay Family,
I have listened over and over to Chuck's show this morning. He has encompassed the grief we all are feeling in learning of Jan's passing. I don't know any of you, but have been following Caleb through your writings. God Bless you all. Come back when you can and continue to share your story with all of us. And Sky--your Dad must be very proud of you, but he should feel honored that he is a part of you. You both are good at healing wounds of sorrow.

Anonymous said...

We come to your town every summer for 2 weeks, were amazed at the community support for Caleb we saw last summer, and have been following your blog.

You are in our prayers.

Peace; Michelle & Jesse

Anonymous said...

Jan, You are in light, you are in light.

Anonymous said...

I will always remember jan as a handsome, kind soul. I love him just as much as caleb and the rest. He now will help answer the prayers we send for the family and friends all touched by these events. May we all be blessed.

Anonymous said...

loving you all.. peace be with you

Anonymous said...

"Sorrow will one day turn to joy.
All that breaks the heart and oppresses the soul will one day give place to peace and understanding and everyone will be free".....P. Robeson

Thinking of you all and sending love and healing thoughts.

JoJoLoves said...

My deepest thoughts are with the Potter family and all those who were touched by Caleb's father. I did not know him personally. However, I know the boys and how strong they are. Traits which were sure to have transcended from Sharyn and Jan. xoxox Joanna Riedl SF, CA

Anonymous said...

Vaya Con Dios!


Anonymous said...

Thinking of all the family all day and night. Could someone please give us an email address so photos could be sent by those of us who have them. Thanks and God Bless.

Sharyn said...

Photos can be e-mailed to Sky whose address is on this blog page.

Anonymous said...

I am heart-broken for the families of Jan. Heart-broken for the community of Wellfleet.

Unknown said...

Jan was the kind of guy who could do anything. Now he made a grown man cry.


Sky said...

my email address is novembersky.freysscole@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say! I loved Jan and will never forget how he was there for me in an awful time of my life. I just wish I had reached out and touched base with Jan and you all more often as you were all going through this awful time. It has taught me to never feel you may be bothering someone even when you think the whole world is there, it's always nice to hear from a friend. Sharyn it was nice to see you on Easter at Wellfleet Market Place as I've been wanting to see you for months. I am so glad I had that breif moment to give you a hug and I wish I could give you more! Your family has been in my life for a long time, even though we may not always see each other I will always have fond memories of times when the boys where growing up and I was taking care of the Parent boys which always came along with the Birchall's, Surro's, Cavanough's, Williams, Etc. Etc. Such a wonderful time for me. I will miss Jan terribly,but am glad to have had him in my life.Please let me know what I can do to help you with anything!! My heart is broken! May all the memories you have help you all through this difficult time.
I love you all!!!
Eve Felix Lorenz

Anonymous said...

We'd love to be part of the prayer circle tomorrow night, to extend our support and love to the little town that could. The little town that could raise a family up through it's most desperate time. The little town that could laugh, and love, and cry. The little town that could show the world what it means to really love, to really give of oneself, to share it's heart with the world.

It will be an honor to be there to grieve, to pray, to love with all of you. Is the gathering still forming at 8pm on the town hall lawn?

Audrey & Greg

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah --

I am so sorry for this devastating loss. You and Jan were so fortunate to have found each other and to have shared the beautiful love you shared these past years and I'm so sorry you will not grow old together. It was a joy to be with both of you and to share so many good times together. What wonderful memories!!! What a joy to be with two who loved each other so deeply!!!!!!!

Jan -- we will miss you so much and Sarah we will hold you through these painful, sad times.

Anonymous said...

Jan - I hope that you now find what was missing in this life - and that you are happy and free where ever you are. *S*

Anonymous said...


I just heard....My heart is aching with the sadness you all are having to go through. I wish I had comforting words..... After losing my daughter, I found that acceptance of what is, allows something else to shine through where the body once was----that grace---the light, it gives us peace. But oh, each person in their own time.
You are all so loved, so perfect as you are. If we could shed our skins to give you strength we would. Peace, light, hope and love. ALWAYS

South Shore Mom (Gail Hunter)