On the fourth of July, 2007 Caleb Potter was involved in a skateboarding accident.
He suffered serious injuries and continues to need all of our positive thoughts and prayers.
This blog is to serve as a space for updates on Caleb's journey of recovery.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


A note about Anne. Anne, as you have gathered by now is the mother to Cedar and Sky, the quintessential Earth mother, the one woman I have moved from young woman to crone with. We married together, raised children together, divorced together, in short, ..we share a life! Anne has taken on the task of relief for me three times a week in the morns to help with Caleb. When he first returned home from the hospital she cleaned up after his accidents, fed him and tucked him in for naps. She smiled down at him, encouraged him , nudged and reassured him. She helped breathe him back to life so much so that she now walks in the woods with him, drives him to Yoga and accupunture, and talks with him about his future.
What is the definition of a friend? I looked it up in the ole word book and found ..."person one knows well and likes" This definition falls short for me and yet I don't know how one expresses the feelings that are wrapped up with this subject...
Anne is the encourager for me when I am down, she nudges me and reassures. She walks with me into the quiet places of my soul and breathes with me when I can't take another breath. She drives me into the corners of my mind so that I can sort out my terrors and she talks to me about a time when this will pass. She helps me to wake to each day and she tucks me in with moonglow and a promise of tomorrow. I could not have made it to where I stand now without her.
So...for me I would say...
A good friend laughs or crys with you...but a great friend does both.
And my definition would read more closely to something like this.." a friend is a person who knows you well, and loves you in spite of it"

Thank you Anne.


NY/Wellfleet Mom said...

What a lovely tribute to your friend. Sharyn, you have a gift for expressing emotion and conveying images through words. I do not know Anne, but this morning's post has given me a glimpse into her soul. And Annie, you sounds like one hell of a friend, and a truly selfless and beautiful person.

Much sunshine and love to you both today.

NY/Wellfleet Mom

Julie said...

I am in awe of your strength and love the fact that you believe it comes from your friends.
You are a lucky woman Sharyn.

You are truly blessed.


Sky said...

Thank you Sharyn for those beautiful words about my mom. She is truly a spirit full of grace. I learn from you both about life and love and what it means to be a woman on this planet.
With gratitude and admiration,

grace said...

That's a true definition of a friend! I am awe inspired by both of you and your beauty. Thank you. love Grace

mia said...

It will take quite a lot more for you to reach 'crone' status, Sharyn. You have to start being a hell of a lot less gorgeous, youthful and fun, for starters.

Your words for Anne are beautiful. She is privileged to share such a bond with you.


susan in portsmouth said...

Lucky Sharyn...
Lucky Anne...
Lucky Caleb...

Such love is a wonder and a blessing.

You continue to inspire me to live the fullest life I can, and to thank my friends for traveling alongside me.

Big love,

Clance said...

Yeah.. Anne is GREAT..
a DEAR friend to many.. weird I was about to send to you both a picture I snapped at Oysta Fest...
I am very happy you 2 have one another, and I am happy to cal you both 2 of my many mothers/friends/sisters in this great walk of life..
MUCH luv 2 u both!

amy in ct said...

you are so lucky to have her in your life... and you in hers
peace to you
amy in ct

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

That's the kind of person I call a "Soul Sister" and we're so blessed to have them in our lives.
They are the ones who don't go away no matter how much we change and grow.

Alexandra Grabbe said...

In life, people often underestimate the value of friends and do not understand what true friendship is. You and Anne are fortunate to have each other's friendship. Sometimes friends get lost along the path of life. Some people turn out not to be friends during a crisis situation. Other supposed friends are actually treacherous and one must disengage. New friends are nice but do not share history. You cannot imagine how much I envy the type of friendship you and Anne enjoy. You are both so very lucky to have each other.

nancyk4444 said...

After you live long enough, you come to know that a GREAT friend is a true gift.
You are both so very blessed to have the relationship you describe Sharyn.
I would ask that you always remember to treasure the ties that bind and bond you and Anne - but I know that you need no reminding!
I am happy to know that you have such a rich connection in your life.

Nancy in NY

deirdre said...

oh sharyn...mmmm...yes...my heart is so full when i read these words..i hear ann's sweet soft nourishing & healing tone when you describe her encouragement...she is indeed an angel...a brief glance at her is enough for a days worth of healing...and my friend this is true about you as well.
i have to disagree with mia about you not being a crone...indeed you are & have heartily earned the status.
it is an honor to reach crone-hood...a long road traveled & one which deserves the HIGHEST repect!
funny you mention crone...she is in the air!
i just received in the mail a copy of "the crone" by barbara walker....this is a book i read about 20 years ago & was awed by it in my "motherhood" stage. after loaning the book out & never seeing it back again, i found it on amazon recently after many conversations about crone-hood & ordered it...a book our lovely fleet young women should read & savor! i am happy to have reached crone status & honor in myself & my beloved elder women/sister/friends....this sacred place.
i wanted to say also how beautiful a photo of caleb in the Globe's "Giving" magazine...in the front cover...absolutely hunkulicios!
thank you sharyn...i have been silent but witnessing. i love you...deirdre

aimai said...

I wanted to say that having known Sky (hi! Sky! you babysat my girls Maya and Alexandra and they still talk about how wonderful you were!) I can only imagine what a peerless mother Anne has been, and what an incredible friend. Sharyn, I envy you having such friends in such a time. But you know, you yourself have always been that friend to others. Anne didn't grow on a tree. You and she grew together, like two twining plants supporting each other against the rough winds.


penny on st.john said...

It would appear that you are very fortunate to have eachother.Two truly beautiful souls work together to help ease the hardships that life sometimes brings about.

A nice tribute to Anne from you who appreciates all of it.

Love and best wishes,
