On the fourth of July, 2007 Caleb Potter was involved in a skateboarding accident.
He suffered serious injuries and continues to need all of our positive thoughts and prayers.
This blog is to serve as a space for updates on Caleb's journey of recovery.

Monday, October 13, 2008

back in Fleet

The big, blue sky wedding of Cedar and Ennie's could not have been a pinch more beautiful. Perched atop a mountain top bursting with color, they exchanged vows. Caleb stood tall next to Cedar and Kai and Max stood pensively beside.
There were the usual moments of laughter and tears that arrive as guests at every wedding, but the difference with this one was that you felt in your core that these two people belong to one another..that just perhaps they are the very same soul living in two bodies. We lived in celebration for two days and two ( very cold camping) nights, and returned home as better people.

These celebrations are now a new experience for me. I missed the usual Caleb jumping out of trees, the boy racing over the moss covered rocks in the river below, the infectious laughter that sprang from him as if he had held it in for a bit too long and it had to escape with a boistrousness and an energy that had a life of it's own. I watch with sadness as he sits in a chair and cannot keep up with the movement of conversation that a large group brings. I plummet and plummet until I almost hit bottom, then a yo-yo snap of life brings me up again into the safety of a warm hand holding ...I am fine, I am fine. We will be OK.

As best man Caleb was expected to come up with a toast at dinner..and being the mother..I was nervous. Could he pull it off? would he freeze up before the microphone? would he stumble over words?
Caleb stood firmly planted into the Earth below him and spoke these words..
" I have known Cedar since I was little and I want to say how proud I am of him. ( Then with a directed point of a finger, he looked at Cedar and said- here goes..I'm proud of you" )
I have known Cedar longer than than he has known Ennie, And I am a little pissed off that he didn't ask me to marry him. I want to wish you the best...shine on you crazy diamonds."

The crowd went crazy with laughter and cheers..Kai noted later that many tears paused for a look, lingering at the corner's of eyes before spilling over .... but there was one person in the crowd who could not hear a thing , or see a thing....she was stuck in that state of Grace where no one else exists........but for one.


Kevin Scalley said...


That damn Cedar!
Doesn't he just piss you off !
MEN !!!!

Great story...
Made my day already!


susan in portsmouth said...

I couldn't be happier - for Cedar and Ennie, for Caleb - but largely, my friend, for you.

Big, BIG mother-love,


justjane said...

You paint the picture of love so well, subtly detailed with all of its variety of color. Visualized the many types of love with so few words,... just beautiful as always. Sounds like you all had a wonderful experience!
I'm up for a bout with clay today...how about Caleb?

grace said...

What an amazing time it must have been for all of you. Hope to see ya soon, love grace

Alexandra Grabbe said...

Thanks for sharing this moment. It feels like a victory. Even though I have never met Cedar, I know he postponed his wedding so Caleb could be his best man. What an amazing job you did, Caleb! I am happy for you all.

Jerry G said...

Congratulations, Cedar and Ennie! Caleb, great toast! I'm happy for all of you.

Gail said...

What a great post ! Gail

Gail said...

What a great post ! Gail

amy in ct said...

thank you so much for sharing this with us all.... i am so proud of caleb... what a great speech. and i am proud of you sharyn...
peace and prayers to you all
amy (and josh) in ct

peg said...

More magical unforgettable moments.....amazing and beautiful, all of you...
As always, with hope,
peg from PA

Marcia said...

....'Shine on you Crazy Diamonds.'
Brings back great memories...and wonderful dreams for the future.

Congratulations to all,

nancyk4444 said...


As always, I dropped down and rose up along with you, as I read your post - but when I rose - WOW - it took me pretty high!!!!
That toast was something my husband (the king of horrible toasts) could only DREAM to pull off......Caleb - I am in awe - and you are a guy I would have LOVED to "hang" with in my younger years - your spirit, your joy, your humor and zest for life would have attracted me instantly.....it still does, but now as a Mom who knows how much pride and shear joy you would give me if you were my son.
Shine on.......

Nancy in NY

NY/Wellfleet Mom said...

Beautiful images, Sharyn. Thanks!

Caleb, you rock!

NY/Wellfleet Mom

becky said...

Sharyn, I have been keeping up with the blog, but have not commented in a while as it appears that you are slowly but surely moving on with your life. I read your blog and tears rolled down my eyes. I don't know ANY of you all, but somehow could picture the moment! I've learned so much from you - thank you. You are a good person and a good Mom.

HeidiTri's said...

That might be one of the best toasts I have ever heard!

It sounds like a wonderful time.

mia said...

Caleb, you are brilliant. What better send-off could Cedar and Ennie have been given for their new life together than your inimitable wit and love? Nothing can ever dim your spirit.


Ellen Webb said...

"Love endures all things" and some things are worth the wait . . . what an amazing toast to the perfect couple from the best best man! Love to you all, El

Ellen Landrum said...

a beautiful post, sharyn. truly beautiful.

liz in philly said...


I've been following the blog since Christmas, but have never commented before. I can't tell you how my eyes filled with tears while reading today. Your spirit has the strength and wisdom that so many of us can only aspire to. Thank you for touching us with your grace.


janet said...

Wow, Caleb...a perfect toast! And Sharyn, you described it all so beautifully I felt like I'd been there. I remember learning in my early years about sacraments like marriage... outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace...it still fits.

Neil said...

Sharyn, thanks so much for sharing that story- "shine on you crazy diamonds!", that's perfect- I've been thinking about it since you first posted on Monday. Congrats to Cedar and Ennie- even as a stranger, I was touched by their willingness to postpone until Caleb could be there as best man. Caleb rose to the occasion again. Much love and hope you are all doing well,


Neil said...

Sharyn, thanks so much for sharing that story- "shine on you crazy diamonds!", that's perfect- I've been thinking about it since you first posted on Monday. Congrats to Cedar and Ennie- even as a stranger, I was touched by their willingness to postpone until Caleb could be there as best man. Caleb rose to the occasion again. Much love and hope you are all doing well,


tim bob said...


Jeff- in the Berkshires said...

I often feel when I visit here that I am in the presence of grace and this special post confirms that even more.

Congratulations Cedar and Ennie; great toast Caleb. "Shine on you crazy diamonds"!!

CapeSummerGirl said...

Whenever I am feeling particularly low in my life I visit this blog. Caleb's amazing spirit never fails to lift me up and take me to a better place in my life, in my mind, and in my heart.
Sharyn, your spirit moves me as well. As a single mother to one very awesome kid (who turns 15 on Saturday!!), I ride the Mother Love roller-coaster, too. There are times when I feel as though I'm on the ride alone. Then I come here and am reminded that, although we've yet to meet, I have in you a kindred spirit.
Blessings to each of YOU crazy diamonds. Crazy awesome. Crazy good.

Cherile said...

i have been following Caleb's story and you finally realize that family is everything no matter what is thrown at you. I grew up in Wellfleet and my brothers still reside there with their family. I have not been home in quite awhile and sometimes I truly miss the place!

cherile berrio
daughter of belated Lillian & Froggie Frazier

Hello Katty said...

Your writing is so beautiful, and the subject so touching. I just found your blog, and have started reading from the beginning. I wish you all the best.